My Experience as an International Student in Australia

Life is a long journey. Whether you spend your whole life in one place or keep changing the place you belong to. Especially for higher education students, or employees who are travelling around the world to get an enriching experience. It not only to develops capabilities, but also to improves your living style and thinking. Living abroad is getting used to a different lifestyle, stepping in the footprints of people from all the religion. We don’t know the background of the person who is sitting next to us or living with us in the same room. Especially in Australia, which is relatively new with its amazing cultures. Melbourne is the incredible city to fascinates you with the federation square and admiring the combination between historical and modern architecture.
study in australia
Dear reader, here I will share with you my unforgettable experience. I am really happy to be here to study in Australia at Ozford College. For the last couple of months, I have seen life in a different way and I am constantly learning new things and knowing myself more profoundly. I am not only focused on learning language but being here let me first understand how to get to know people and how to interact with them. It makes me pleased to know that I have found some friends to whom I can trust and maintain long-time friendship with them even after the academic course
First let me share how to make real friends:
Making friends  abroad is not always the easiest thing in the world. From the sweaty palms to the nerves when you feel, you go alone, it can all feel daunting especially in a new country with new people. Yet, after you’ve made the first few friends in your surroundings, more and more will come to join you. Follow the advice in this article and soon you’ll be on your way to Sunday Brunches, Friday Parties and Wednesday dinners.
When you come to a new country the first problem you have to face is the language. In Australia there is no ‘national language’ and society is very diverse. Whether you’re from India, France or Colombia, you have to communicate in Australian English.
Second thing is putting yourself in a great and effective way to meet people and growing with learning their lifestyle. For this, talking to new people, you sit beside and actively starting conversations with your colleague or people who meet on the street that helps you to keep in touch with new people and also boost your confidence. Experts believe that the more you do a regular task, the better and more comfortable you feel. Next time when you are travelling on the tram or by a train, try to start conversations with people, you never know who you might meet but surely gain confidence.
Joining a club or other activity is also helpful to meet new people. This doesn’t require skill to join a particular group, but you will join a diverse array of people all united by the same passion. Even better, by doing this you’ll arrange yourself particularly if it’s identified with your networking. There are both free and paid activities available around the Melbourne – from Spanish Salsa moving, to Fitness, English learning course, Botany, Entrepreneurial Development – the list goes on! A quick search on Google will work.
Lastly one of the best ways to engage with new friends is through your study in Australia. By developing a foundation of knowledge, you will be surrounded by new friends daily. This means that you have a big change to get to know a lot of people. However, one of the confusing things is selecting which course is the best suited to your interest. But with your friends and colleague you can get the advice of which Bachelor of Business Course is diverse, engaging and provides opportunities to grow.
In the finish line, I would like to say that I know it sounds a bit  cliché, but life gives you one chance to live. So, don’t say to yourself that you didn’t do what you wanted in the past. Please let go of all your fears and enjoy every single day which you desired no matter wherever you are. Our family is also important for us and we all crave to be close to who we love the most and cherish, but we are not certain whether we, as students or immigrants, will stay here for a temporary or long . Don’t rush to make a quick decision because everything has a ripening time.


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